This week was a good week! We started out on exchanges with the sisters who are in Sugar City and that was fun, I lost my shoe in the mud and then the rest of the evening I walked around with dirt off over me!!! Dang the struggle!!! Just kidding if that's the worst of my problems then I'm doing pretty good. Although that day I did get more doors slammed in face then I have my entire mission, it was a strange experience, I am so grateful Idahoans are nice 99% of the time!!!!
Friday we had MLC and that was awesome! I love MLC!!! Except Sister Moreland, Elder Flynn, and I became the punch line of my jokes! President would be like "what do you think, oh wait you're going home..." Then he would ask someone else!!!! This joke and many others went on all day and while it was pretty funny it still was sad!!!! Dang it I never thought I'd be the punch line of those jokes!!!!
This week we also got permission to start piloting a new program for missionaries by skyping lessons. Skype has been used as an effective tool for years, but now we get to take it one step further and all the students on campus are encouraged to find a non member friend or family member who we will teach the first two lesson to over skype. This helps break the ice, and show them that missionaries are normal people we invite the spirit and then they are passed to the missionaries in their area. It is so cool because now it means so many more people have the opportunity to be found!!! For instance we taught a boy yesterday who goes to Notre Dame and is very catholic, missionaries aren't allowed on their campus so he had no chance of running into them there, but his friend asked if he'd be willing to listen and sure enough he was! The lesson went awesome and we are going to teach him again this week, but just think if we couldn't get to him in the way how would he ever be found?! Also with our Chinese investigator we are now able to help teach their families!!! (most of them are from Hong Kong so missionary work is ok) They've never heard of Jesus Christ and in a city of a couple million people it's pretty hard to be found by missionaries, but now we've found them!!! It is so cool to see the work rolling and moving forward! Just goes to show Heavenly Father has truly prepared a plan and a way for each of his children to receive the gospel!!!!
Speaking of Chinese investigators...we set a date this week with one!!! She is so awesome!!! Seriously I just love her!!!! And she is ready for the gospel it is amazing!!!! She says she never had any idea of God, but now that she does she cant imagine living without him!! She is seriously to cute! And I am so excited to see her continue to grow! But I did promise I would be back here for her baptism so it looks like I am going to be visiting Rexburg March 26th!!!! YES!!!!!!
This week i also started stalking all the other missionaries siblings on campus, ok not stalking that sounds creepy but whenever we pass there house I take a picture, is that creepy? Anyway this is one of the sisters brothers apartment.....
We had an extra companionship of sisters spend the night with us so when we went into the spare room we found this blanket...what better protection then to sleep next to the Savior. The sisters got to have two members of the Godhead with them that night the Savior and the "comforter" hehe just kidding. Well that's all I have time for this week! Hope you have an awesome week!!!!!
Sister Kaycie Sondrup
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